We are currently experiencing some system challenges with payments please reach out to Dickson Alvarado with any questions.

Residents of Hale Lokelani, Hale Pohaku and Kieffer Hall are required to have a meal plan and need to select their meal plan with the Admissions Office. This is part of the contract as a condition of residing in these halls. Since the rooms do not have kitchens, no personal cooking is allowed in residence halls for safety and sanitation reasons. Students in these residence halls may choose from these plans: Hula (A), Mahalo (B) or Aloha (C). If no meal plan is chosen, students will automatically be placed on the Hula (A) meal plan for the semester. Weekly meal plans will reset each week and unused meals do not carry over to the next week.  Some meal plans have Silversword Café guest meals which allows you to bring in a guest for the allotted guest meals on that specific plan throughout the semester.

Need help with your meal plan?

Contact us and we’d be happy to assist you!